Urban sustainability indicators for Cuenca city: Residential solid and construction waste

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José Jacinto Barbecho Benavides
Pedro Javier Angumba Aguilar
Juan Francisco Cazorla
Juan Felipe Quesada Molina


Introduction. The development and urban changes in the city of Cuenca are like other locations of the region. A region where the implementation of urban sustainability indicators guides the different cities to the search of approaches that promote the sustainable development of its three main axis: economic, environmental, and social; generating benefits to the environment at the same time as well as the quality of life of its inhabitants. Objective. The objective of this investigation is to determine the urban sustainability indicators, construction and residential waste that could apply to Cuenca city. Methodology. This investigation is going to be develop by using a methodology that involves investigation, revision, and compilation of existent literature of the international framework about the sustainability indicators. In addition, the creation of a framework will help to design a matrix of basic indicators for construction and solid waste. Thus, these indicators are going to be homologated based on their similar criteria with respect of the initial objectives; evaluation and methodology to obtain a set of urban construction and solid waste sustainability indicators that can be applied at local level in Cuenca. These indicators are going to be valid throughout some experts’ criteria that back them up in the adequacy, clearness, importance, and coherence sense of the presented indicators. Results. Finally, with the obtained information from Municipal Public Company of Clean de Cuenca-EMAC-EP, four indicators will be applied to determine whether the city presents sustainability indexes with respect to construction and solid waste management. Conclusion. The results of the presented research will be important because of its capacity to contribute to the sustainability development of the city.


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How to Cite
Barbecho Benavides, J. J., Angumba Aguilar, P. J., Francisco Cazorla , J., & Quesada Molina, J. F. (2022). Urban sustainability indicators for Cuenca city: Residential solid and construction waste. ConcienciaDigital, 5(1.2), 27-45. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v5i1.2.2084


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