The behavior of consumption in food and beverage services, accommodation and tourist transport during the COVID-19 pandemic

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Yadira Alexandra Proaño Gómez
Angélica María González Sánchez
Jorge Armando Almeida Domínguez


Introduction. This article focuses on the study of the profile of the consumer of food and beverage services, accommodation and tourist transport in the province of Tungurahua from the COVID-19 pandemic, after the state of emergency, for which it is necessary to identify the visitor behavior patterns, consider the conditions, factors and image that determine the perception and / or preference and that influence the consumption decision. Objective. Analyze the differences in the consumption behavior of visitors in food and beverage services, accommodation and tourist transport. Methodology. The research is basic and inductive, follows a quantitative route, reaches a descriptive level, is based on a deep bibliographic-documentary study and a cross-sectional ex post facto fieldwork design, with a simple random sampling. The profile of the consumer of tourist services in the province of Tungurahua is modeled by the tree classification method. Results. The level of education is the demographic variable that most influences the factors that influence the frequency of consumption by customers of restaurants and cafeterias. The behavior of the consumption of the accommodation service is marked by the preference of spending the night with the family or partner, being the woman who mostly makes this decision. The behavior of tourist transport consumption is manifested with the preference of comfort and safety over audio and video technology or innovation; and, the cost does not determine the hiring of the service. Conclusion. The factor that decides the consumption of food and beverage service, accommodation and tourist transport is the application of biosafety protocols, information that was used for the execution of community service practice projects.


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Proaño Gómez, Y. A., González Sánchez, A. M., & Almeida Domínguez , J. A. (2023). The behavior of consumption in food and beverage services, accommodation and tourist transport during the COVID-19 pandemic. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.4), 369-389.


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