Curricular relevance of the software career at the Bolívar’ State University

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Galuth Irene García Camacho
Maricela Araceli Espín Morejón
Mónica Elizabeth Bonilla Manobanda
Darwin Paul Carrión Buenaño


Introduction. For some years in Ecuador evaluations of higher education have been carried out as a strategy to guarantee its quality, being the relevance of the careers that plays a crucial role in the evaluation carried out by the Council for the Assurance of the Quality of Education Superior (CACES). Objective. Determine the relevance of the software career at the State University of Bolívar (UEB) by studying its curriculum. Methodology. The research was qualitative and quantitative, retrospective and descriptive, an analysis was made in six dimensions, such as: prospective study of the career, contextual analysis, academic offer, demand, follow-up of graduates and employability through bibliographic review and application of surveys validated by specialists. Results. The results reflected that the Software career curriculum has several positive aspects; In the first instance, the knowledge and learning that allow to solve the actions of future engineers are aligned to the objectives of the National Development Plan, the acceptance of the Software career by high school students and the criteria of graduates in the same branch of specialization as well as the opinion of potential employers were nuances that provided an important input for the curricular readjustment of the software career. Conclusion. The current software career at the UEB is relevant, but it is important to make some updates to its curriculum so that it continues to meet the level of satisfaction with respect to the skills that students acquire during their academic training and their impact on the sector professional.


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How to Cite
García Camacho, G. I., Espín Morejón, M. A., Bonilla Manobanda, M. E., & Carrión Buenaño, D. P. (2021). Curricular relevance of the software career at the Bolívar’ State University . ConcienciaDigital, 4(4.2), 6-21.


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