Communication strategies for dealing with cyberbullying in the context of COVID-19

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Miriam Elizabeth Erazo Rodríguez
Luis Miguel Viñan Carrasco
Myriam Elizabeth Murillo Naranjo
Cristhy Nataly Jiménez Granizo


Introduction: New technologies and the use of the internet are part of our daily life; they transform language, life and traditional practices. The appearance of COVID-19 has reduced social relations, and the world population faces other types of interaction in all areas. Learning is undoubtedly one of the elements that has had to migrate from face-to-face contexts to digital environments, where relationships between users present risky situations, such as digital harassment; There are studies regarding cyberbullying in the educational environment, but the types of strategies used according to the level of the problem are unknown. Objective: Define communication strategies against digital harassment in the context of COVID-19. Methodology: The study is descriptive, quali-quantitative, non-experimental (transactional) design, a literature review was carried out through virtual ethnography to define the accessibility and ease of use of web pages and social networks, to collect information about of the communication strategies, the online survey was applied, with a reliability of 0.815, a sample of 247 social communication experts who work in the central area of ​​Ecuador, the analysis of frequencies and Cronbach's Alpha using the SPSS-25 software . Results: The forced interaction, skills for the use of multimedia tools and the alteration of content by the harasser stand out. The communicators' strategies emphasize: Education (audiovisual content), Prevention (monitoring of accounts to avoid impersonation), Evasion (not reacting to the aggressor's comments to reduce the risk), Acceptance (accepting what is requested by the harasser), Confrontation (gathering evidence). Conclusion: The strategies used by social communicators focus on prevention and go as far as confrontation to face cyberbullying according to the level of the problem.


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How to Cite
Erazo Rodríguez, M. E., Viñan Carrasco, L. M., Murillo Naranjo, M. E., & Jiménez Granizo , C. N. (2021). Communication strategies for dealing with cyberbullying in the context of COVID-19. ConcienciaDigital, 4(3.1), 23-40.


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