The food routes: a tourist strategy based on the Ambato’s culinary identity

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María Verónica Montalvo - Moncayo
Maria Fernanda Viteri - Toro
Camilo Francisco Torres - Oñate
Daniel Oswaldo Sánchez - Guerrero


Introduction. This research is focused on the canton Ambato, which is considered as the largest collection center in the central area of the country, having a fertile land has the advantage of being a purely productive city achieving a growth in image and identity based on its culinary history being this a differentiating factor from the other cities of Ecuador. Objective. Generate a food route with axis in the revaluation of the Ambato’s gastronomic identity, enhancing the kitchen in the tourist activity, becoming a preponderant factor in the motivation of choice of destination, due to the fact that the premise is increasingly evident: "you travel to eat". Methodology. A prospective descriptive research is developed applying a methodological model FAVA-SENA for the elaboration of the tourist route that embodies the Ambatos’s food identity, carrying a historical knowledge through the traditions that each of the preparations has. Results. The representative dishes of the city give rise to the so-called "Route of the Agape", in search of giving a different meaning, that is, to create a fraternal link between the gastronomy and the tourist, which has an 83% of acceptability among the studied population. On the other hand, a nonparametric Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was performed obtaining a significance of 0.000 thus affirming the hypothesis raised. Conclusion. The tourist routes based on the identity of the food mark in the traveler an unforgettable experience and promote the tourist activity of the sector.


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How to Cite
Montalvo - Moncayo, M. V., Viteri - Toro, M. F., Torres - Oñate, C. F., & Sánchez - Guerrero, D. O. (2021). The food routes: a tourist strategy based on the Ambato’s culinary identity. ConcienciaDigital, 4(3), 232-249.


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