The importance of resilience in times of Covid-19
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Introduction. Resilience is much more than resisting, it is also learning to be in life as a process in which difficulties are an opportunity to improve personal and social life. Therefore, resilience not only entails overcoming adversity and the ability to solve problems, but it is spontaneously rebuilding in the face of difficulties between people and their environment, with the affective bond of individual and community discernment being the most important factor. Because, when the challenge of confronting the different human crises is accepted, it is when the problems are seen as an opportunity for growth. In this sense, the human being is capable of facing his merely individual limits and discovering the possibility of a construction in a community sense, starting from the encounter with others. Objective. Understand how it is possible to transform the Christian communities of Mexico City, in the midst of perplexity, through the development of their resilience. In a change of era, where we can no longer give answers to questions that no one asks anymore. Methodology. The research design was a life review, descriptive and cross-sectional type. The population was 100 respondents. The social groups analyzed are: merchants, bricklayers, housewives, students, and the unemployed. The sample was validated by the judgments of health specialists and experts, rating validity, relevance and coherence. In addition, the hypothesis was tested by contrast, carried out using the chi-square test. Results. Among the results, it was found that housewives are the ones who exercise more resilience, and that they could be the guardian agents of resilience. Conclusion. In light of the results, the need to work on the development of community ties that allow the promotion of the mission is concluded. Specifically, they could be taught to work as a team, setting short-term goals, helping them to follow them, instructing them in strategies to check their achievement status, so that their level of self-awareness and knowledge and connection with others.
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