Analysis of the university teaching model and the use of teaching and learning methodologies for the assessment of professional training assignments in gastronomy undergraduate programs.
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Introduction. In the experiments carried out, a metric from 1 to 10 is used as a reference, with 1 being determined as the maximum deficient range and 10 as the maximum efficient range, this scale being commonly used in high education institutions. In each experiment, the different components of the aforementioned methodology for the practical subjects are integrated in order to assess the incidence of each of them in the student's receptivity to knowledge and to understand the relevance of the applied teaching methodology. Objective. To analyze the university teaching model and the use of teaching and learning methodologies for the assessment of professional training activities. Methodology. The research design begins with a descriptive-correlational study in which the behavior of the different variables and the incidence between them is analyzed. The research designs. is based on a descriptive-correlational study in which the behavior of specific variables and the incidence among them is analyzed. Results. The results found that in experiment (A) using 100% of the time with the theoretical approach, values concentrated in 2/10 (inefficient) are obtained. While in experiment (B) with 100% of the time of the lesson dedicated to practical activities, a concentration of 3/10 (inefficient) results are observed. In experiment C, when incorporating an empirical activity, the concentration is situated in the range of 5/10 (inefficient). On the contrary, in experiment D, when incorporating feedback within the time of the course, we find a result clustering around 6-7/10 (Acceptable). In comparison, in experiment E, by adding a theoretical activity as a reinforcement task, we obtain results in the range of 6/10 (Inefficient). Finally, tasks with practical activities with theoretical foundations are incorporated reflecting values around 7 and 8/10 (Acceptable). Conclusions. It is concluded that the implementation of each of the factors (theoretical induction, culinary practice, experiential activity, feedback, practical activities - theoretical) have a direct impact on student learning, understanding and receptivity, all directly influencing the assessments carried out.
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