Application of Thermal Integral as a tool for bioclimatic control and environmental modeling in the cultivation of prickly pear (Opuntia Ficus-indica)

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Hernán Chamorro Sevilla
Julia Desiree Velasteguí Cáceres


Introduction. In this work, the values ​​of the daily accumulated grades of the experimental plot of prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica), installed in the Tunshi Experimental Center of the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo (ESPOCH), are evaluated to improve prickly pear crops located in the Chingazo community of the Guano parish of the Guano Canton, Chimborazo Province, Ecuador. Objective. With the meteorological data acquired from the MERRA2 / GEOS 5.12.4 satellite, the phenological process of the experimental plot was carried out, calculating GDD, GDA and a projection of the Accumulated Degrees of Maturity (GMA). Methodology. To obtain the thermal summation, the mathematical model of the thermal integral was used, which allowed calculating the daily degree-days using satellite meteorological data; From which the daily maximum and minimum temperature data was used as input. Results. Approximate and referential data were obtained in the plot of the Tunshi experimental center of ESPOCH, with the indices of: GDD = 9.1º C; GDA = 271º C in a month; GDA = 1,856.5º C in six months; GDA = 3,744.4º C in one year and GMA = 9,357.3º C accumulated since July 26, 2018, when the experimental plot was replanted until December 31, 2020. Conclusion. The index of degrees accumulated both daily, monthly, semester and annually, show that the sector of the community of Chingazo is highly suitable since the prickly pear grows in minimum temperatures of -16 ° C to 32 ° C in hot places.


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How to Cite
Chamorro Sevilla, H., & Velasteguí Cáceres, J. D. (2021). Application of Thermal Integral as a tool for bioclimatic control and environmental modeling in the cultivation of prickly pear (Opuntia Ficus-indica). ConcienciaDigital, 4(1), 106-120.


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