The historical value of the Malqui-Machay farms and its impact on the contribution of the Cultural Identity of the Canton La Maná

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Peterson Arturo Toapanta Caizaluisa
Natalia Geoconda Zambrano Cuadro
Wendy Sabrina Llore Chicaiza
César Enrique Calvopiña León


Introduction. The Malqui-Machay farms located in the parish of Guasaganda, La Maná Canton, have archaeological remains that are known as the last dwelling place of the Inca Atahualpa due to the historical events that have been of importance for Ecuadorian history since it would have been the refuge of the last Incas. These events are a contribution to the cultural identity of the sector thanks to the history it has. However, it has weaknesses in the conservation of archeology and with it the cultural identity of the Lamanense population, this has been a consequence of the devaluation of the infrastructure and by weather conditions. Objective. Preserve the historical value of the Malqui-Machay estates and their impact on the cultural identity of the La Maná Canton. Methodology. For this research, we worked with a sample of 69 people where the opinion of professionals, owners of the haciendas and the population of the Guasaganda parish was taken, this information was collected through field trips using the interview techniques (5) and survey (64), which were formulated with closed structured questions; The main purpose was to gather information to know the criteria and knowledge of the inhabitants about the historical milestones that happened in the Malqui-Machay estates. Results. According to the study of cultural identity carried out in the Malqui-Machay haciendas, important results are framed, since these sites strengthen the customs and traditions of the population thanks to the events of each hacienda and the legends existing in the surrounding area. With these positive data, we proceed to design an informative cultural heritage guide which contains three sections: informative, legends and conservation. With the fundamental purpose of rescuing part of the cultural identity of the inhabitants of Canton La Maná. Conclusion. Within the Malqui-Machay farms there is a great potential for cultural tourism which contributes to the cultural identity of the inhabitants of the Guasaganda Canton La Maná parish since there is an archeology that was developed thanks to the events and historical memory that have been evident in that place and the legends that have prevailed over time and are an icon for the sector.  


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How to Cite
Toapanta Caizaluisa, P. A., Zambrano Cuadro, N. G., Llore Chicaiza, W. S., & Calvopiña León, C. E. (2021). The historical value of the Malqui-Machay farms and its impact on the contribution of the Cultural Identity of the Canton La Maná. ConcienciaDigital, 4(1), 6-21.


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