Wear diagnosis based on the oil analysis. A case study: Public taxi service

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Segundo Narciso Cabascango Collahuazo
Jaime Fernando Antamba Guasgua
Luis Fabricio Corrales Zurita
José Israel Guerra Naranjo


The operating conditions of a vehicle engine depend on the fuel, lubricant and components; th6us the diagnosis is made directly by continuous monitoring of the lubricant. This project evaluates the condition of engine wear due to ignition caused in a taxi-type public use vehicle, applying the used lubricant analysis technique. The research process is experimental, a baseline of the lubricant and vehicle is raised, for the sampling of every 4000 kilometers of route, in each sample the physical and chemical properties of the lubricant are analyzed, the behavior is established of the viscosity, contaminating particles and metallic particles of the vehicle's SI. The behavior of the PQ index shows a constant tendency for wear, the size of the iron particles are small, the PQ index combined with a low ppm of iron indicates a common wear, and low incidence of abrasive wear on the moving parts of the engine for environment pollution.


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How to Cite
Cabascango Collahuazo, S. N., Antamba Guasgua, J. F., Corrales Zurita, L. F., & Guerra Naranjo, J. I. (2020). Wear diagnosis based on the oil analysis. A case study: Public taxi service. ConcienciaDigital, 3(3.2), 18-28. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v3i3.2.1399


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