Freight and mathematical models and logistics transport enterprises in the city of Riobamba

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Susana del Rocío Guerrero Godoy
Jenny Margoth Villamarin Padilla
Monserrath Amparo Padilla Muñoz


Transport is considered of great importance at the international level has allowed great positive impacts that allows large-scale economic evolution, even more so in developing countries in small cities, the undertaking of transport in recent years is represented in the influx of heavy transport operators, light executives, urban that in one way or another impacts the local economy.

In this study, you determine the number of operators registered in our city, as it is considered a small city but there are many vehicles destined to generate local and interprovincial income, which boost economic activity in the country, the logistics infrastructure that our The city still has some pending in terms of planning added to this the vehicular income of other provinces.


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How to Cite
Guerrero Godoy, S. del R., Villamarin Padilla, J. M., & Padilla Muñoz, M. A. (2020). Freight and mathematical models and logistics transport enterprises in the city of Riobamba. ConcienciaDigital, 3(3), 313-331.


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