Construction of a Management Model gas an epigraph of new paradigms of the knowledge society to develop entrepreneurial capacities

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Edison Becerra Molina


The entrepreneurial University and its role in the economic and social development of the territories, represents an epigraph of new paradigms of the knowledge society, which explains that people, together with the need to know and know, must develop capacities and abilities to undertake and innovate. In this way, we are faced with the need for a profound cultural change that fosters and supports these new capacities from an early age and in a sustainable way in higher education.

 The theoretical-academic management model for the development of innovative entrepreneurship policies and programs at UCACUE, corresponds to the author's doctoral thesis, contains the processes of the management model, starting from the strategic guidelines of the entrepreneurship model, spreading the entrepreneurial culture , promoting the creation of companies aimed at innovation, promoting cooperation through productive integration, conducting research and promoting development towards innovation, proposing the programs with their respective internal and external entrepreneurship projects to be implemented in the period 2020 - 2024, structured in response to the challenges posed in the UCACUE Strategic Institutional Plan.

The objective of the research is aimed at promoting entrepreneurship, as a transversal axis in professional training, considering human talent, as that which constitutes the driving force of a new dynamic of local, regional and national development.

The research is based on training processes in which teaching, research and connection are harmoniously articulated. That is why it is conceived as an institution that works in investigative processes for its generation in favor of satisfying current needs and projecting scientific, technological and social development. Consequently, knowledge, collective construction and dialogue of knowledge constitute fundamental axes for the development of teaching, research, innovation and connection with society.


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How to Cite
Becerra Molina, E. (2020). Construction of a Management Model gas an epigraph of new paradigms of the knowledge society to develop entrepreneurial capacities. ConcienciaDigital, 3(3), 237-259.


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