Mobile application in increased reality for the training and communication of children with down syndrome

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Hernán Darío Centeno Aulla
Lourdes Emperatriz Paredes Castelo
Marcelo Eduardo Allauca Peñafiel
Luis Gonzalo Allauca Peñafiel
Lady Marieliza Espinoza Tinoco


The objective of this research was to apply a mobile system in Augmented Reality to support the training and communication of children with Down syndrome. For this, a learning support tool is found with the assistance of professionals specialized in the area, through an application in Augmented Reality with 3D environments in pictograms. The application was aligned in parameters established in the ISO / IEC 9126 standard; among them: functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability and portability. The research is descriptive, field and bibliographic. The population and sample were intentional, consisting of 33 children with Down syndrome. To obtain the data, the survey technique is needed, using the Likert scale in order to quantify the degree of conformity of the parents on the interactivity of their children with the application of Augmented Reality. The data obtained were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted and allowed to know the use of Augmented Reality dramatically attracts their attention and positive changes in the interaction of children with Down Syndrome. In other words, the technological tools identified in the support in their communication and training. The objective of this research was to apply a mobile system in Augmented Reality to support the training and communication of children with Down syndrome. For this, a learning support tool is found with the assistance of professionals specialized in the area, through an application in Augmented Reality with 3D environments in pictograms. The application was aligned in parameters established in the ISO / IEC 9126 standard; among them: functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability and portability. The research is descriptive, field and bibliographic. The population and sample were intentional, consisting of 33 children with Down syndrome. To obtain the data, the survey technique is needed, using the Likert scale in order to quantify the degree of conformity of the parents on the interactivity of their children with the application of Augmented Reality. The data obtained were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted and allowed to know the use of Augmented Reality dramatically attracts their attention and positive changes in the interaction of children with Down Syndrome. In other words, the technological tools identified in the support in their communication and training.


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How to Cite
Centeno Aulla, H. D., Paredes Castelo, L. E., Allauca Peñafiel, M. E., Allauca Peñafiel, L. G., & Espinoza Tinoco, L. M. (2020). Mobile application in increased reality for the training and communication of children with down syndrome . ConcienciaDigital, 3(3), 215-236.


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