Terrestrial vertebrates of the ecosystem Subnival wet grassland of the paramo in the Chimborazo Fauna Production Reserve

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Sulaya Betsabé Bayancela Delgado
Carlos Aníbal Cajas Bermeo


This paper presents an inventory of the diversity of terrestrial vertebrates in the subnival wet grassland paramo ecosystem (3400-4300 m.a.s.l.), of the Chimborazo Fauna Production Reserve (RPFCh), and analyzes the alpha and beta diversity indices of the wildlife. Field work was carried out between March and June 2019, in two sites of the ecosystem. The first was Pampas de Salasaca (3950 m.a.s.l. and 6º C temperature), located between two elevations on whose slopes, small patches of forest and little vegetation were observed, due to the abundant presence of cattle; mostly cloudy and rainy area. The second site was Siete Cochas (3,860 m.a.s.l. and 8º C), it presented a more compact structure with abundant vegetation, little presence of rain and no fog. A total of 17 species were registered, for birds (6 families, 4 orders and 10 species); and for land mammals (6 families, 5 orders, and 7 species). The results show that the specific richness for birds was 10 records (Margalef index = 2.36, low medium diversity) and for mammals 7 (Margalef index = 1.48, low medium diversity); for equity, birds (Shannon-Weaver Index = 1.90, low mean diversity) and for mammals (Shannon-Weaver Index = 1.53, low mean diversity); for dominance, birds (Simpson Index = 0.78, low diversity) and mammals (Simpson Index = 0.72, low diversity), concluding that this high-Andean ecosystem presented low diversity for birds and mammals.


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Bayancela Delgado, S. B., & Cajas Bermeo, C. A. (2020). Terrestrial vertebrates of the ecosystem Subnival wet grassland of the paramo in the Chimborazo Fauna Production Reserve. ConcienciaDigital, 3(3), 127-140. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v3i3.1285


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