Analysis of surface waters with high phosphate content for the design of a drinking water treatment plant

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Ana Gabriela Flores Huilcapi
Luis Santiago Carrera Almendáriz
Carlos Alcíbar Medina Serrano


The objective of this research is the design of a drinking water treatment plant from surface waters. The sampling of the raw water from the catchment is carried out systematically for four consecutive weeks; The samples taken were characterized in a quality control laboratory through physical-chemical and microbiological tests according to Technical Standard INEN 1108: 2014 referring to Drinking Water Requirements. It is identified that the water samples contain phosphate concentrations and turbidity outside the permissible limits according to current regulations, for turbidity 5 NTU and for phosphates 0,1 mg/L. In order to reduce the phosphate concentration, laboratory-level treatability tests are carried out, carrying out dosages of copper sulfate in solution for each liter of raw water. The addition of 5 mg/L of copper sulfate decreases the phosphate concentration by 82.5%, a parameter that is within the established norm. The addition of 5 mg / L of copper sulfate decreases the phosphate concentration by 82,5%, a parameter that is within the established norm. Based on a maximum treatment flow rate of 24L/s of surface water collection, engineering and design calculations are carried out for the drinking water treatment plant that contains a flow meter, two settlers, two thick rising filters and three slow filters. with fine sand. The flow meter is a parshall type with a throat width of W = 0,229; the classic settler with a critical settling speed Vsc = 0,26 mm/s; the thick rising filter with a filtration speed of

Vf = 0,6 m / h and the slow filter with a filtration speed of Vf = 0,3 m/h.


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Flores Huilcapi, A. G., Carrera Almendáriz, L. S., & Medina Serrano , C. A. (2020). Analysis of surface waters with high phosphate content for the design of a drinking water treatment plant . ConcienciaDigital, 3(3), 27-43.


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