Simulation of mechanical stresses on ferule for upper limbs

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Edwin Rodolfo Pozo Safla
Sócrates Miguel Aquino Arroba
Geovanny Guillermo Novillo Andrade
Edwin Andres Castelo Guevara


The supported computer simulation of the CAE software helps to validate the prototypes, which have features of functionality that is to say that they are subject to operational loads, the simulation is based on the application of the preprocess, process and postprocess stages. In the preprocessing stage the geometric conditions of the splints are determined, which are obtained through the application of reverse engineering such as 3D scanning, in this stage the type of material with which the splint will be constructed for this PLA (Polylactic Acid) material research is proposed, the boundary conditions are established that are the operating restrictions as well as the loads that will be submitted, an analysis of the mesh quality is established so that the results converge.


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How to Cite
Pozo Safla, E. R., Aquino Arroba, S. M., Novillo Andrade, G. G., & Castelo Guevara, E. A. (2020). Simulation of mechanical stresses on ferule for upper limbs. ConcienciaDigital, 3(1.2), 137-156.


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