Evolution of Enteral Nutrition Therapy: Literature Review

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Dayana Isabel Méndez Padilla
Dunia Rueda García


The following review aims to analyze the evolution of enteral nutrition therapy.

Considering that it is a technical procedure of nutritional support in patients who, due to various circumstances, have nutritional alterations and cannot normally feed orally. A qualitative method of exploratory-documentary type was used, the bibliography consulted for this research was retrieved from the publications issued; by recognized and indexed bibliographic databases of the latest articles on this topic. It is concluded that enteral nutrition is a procedure that has made progress in the last 20 years being an advanced technique for patients with nutritional risk and also that specific feeding formulas should be used according to each patient's clinical pathology in order to be able to maintain proper nutrition, these formulas are already in the commercial market as an aid to develop this technique which can not only be used in the hospital but also at home.


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Méndez Padilla, D. I., & Rueda García, D. (2020). Evolution of Enteral Nutrition Therapy: Literature Review. ConcienciaDigital, 3(1.1), 264-283. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v3i1.1.1147


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