Management of ludic activities with medical students in English

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Christian Eduardo Meza Fiallos


At present, the classes taught in the career of medicine continue to maintain their traditional style and form that for decades has put the teacher as the main agent in the teaching-learning process, leaving the student relegated to a passive participant in their learning process, reason for which it is imperative the application of fun and entertaining activities and more importantly when it is intended to teach in a second language such as English. Objective: To improve the way of English teaching on medical subjects through the use of fun and active activities that arouse interest in students to learn medicine in a second language. Method: An educational intervention was carried out on 2 groups of fourth semester students of the career of medicine of Escuela Superior Polytechnical de Chimborazo by means of a test that allows to detect the performance and level of retention of the subject of the first group receiving the class in a traditional way to later analyze the data and contrast it with the test of the second group receiving the classes with dynamic and fun activities that allow to demonstrate a significant increase in the understanding of the topics. Data were tabulated and presented to students for later discussion. Results: An improvement in the attention and interest of the medical subjects taught in English on part of the students can be clearly noticed and consequently improves their retention. Conclusions: With the present educational intervention applied in the medical field with the English language, it was possible to determine the importance of using dynamic methodological strategies in the classes due to the great influence it has on attention, retention and understanding in students.


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How to Cite
Meza Fiallos, C. E. (2020). Management of ludic activities with medical students in English. ConcienciaDigital, 3(1.1), 194-207.


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