Task-based learning approach in the development of the speaking skill

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Marco Antonio Bravo Montenegro
Byron Rafael Soria Guerrero
David Antonio Ureña Lara
Jaime Oswaldo Mora Lara


The central purpose of the present scientific article was to determine the influence of the Task-based Learning Approach helps to strengthen the speaking students' ability from the Languages Center of the Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo level 1. To determine the effectiveness of this procedure, a pre-test and post-test based on the Cambridge KET exam – speaking part, were given to the students of First level at the Language Center of the Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, classes 1K4 and 1E4 during the period Octo-ber 2018 - March 2019. A manual for the teacher was designed which was used during the procedure in the classroom. The interpretation of data was done before and after the work in the classroom. The design of the manual for the teacher was made based on the three stages of the process of a task: pre-task, task itself and post-task with the use of various types of tasks such as individual, group, open, closed, and information gap tasks, taking into consideration the challenge and incentive that each task implies in the increase of learners’ speaking skill. After the procedure has ended with the implementation of the proposal, the data analysis obtained from the pre-test and post-test were analyzed through the use of the T-student test. The conclusion shows that effectively the Task-based Learn-ing Approach had a positive influence on the development of the students’ oral production who improved their ability to speak. Therefore, it is recommended that teachers apply this proposal with the Task-based Learning Approach to enhance the oral performance of students. 


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How to Cite
Bravo Montenegro, M. A., Soria Guerrero, B. R., Ureña Lara, D. A., & Mora Lara, J. O. (2020). Task-based learning approach in the development of the speaking skill. ConcienciaDigital, 3(1.1), 181-193. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v3i1.1.1139


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