Risk factors for obesity in pregnancy
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Introduction: Obesity during pregnancy represents a significant challenge for maternal-fetal health, with implications that go beyond gestation itself. This phenomenon has attracted increasing attention due to its adverse consequences for both the mother and the developing fetus. Identifying the risk factors associated with obesity during pregnancy is essential to better understand this problem and address it effectively. Objective: To identify the risk factors for obesity during pregnancy. Methodology: The development of this study is based on qualitative research with an analytical approach to existing sources of information, such as books, scientific articles, journals, theses, reports, and other documents. This research approach focuses on the collection, review, and synthesis of the available literature on a specific research topic or problem. Results: The connection between maternal obesity and the risk of obesity in offspring, revealing a pattern of transmission of obesity from mother to offspring. In addition, the negative impact of maternal obesity on the prevalence of intellectual disability in offspring is highlighted, underlining the need to address maternal health as a preventive measure for health risks in children. Conclusion: The research was able to identify several risk factors associated with obesity during pregnancy. Among them, the incidence of certain educational and income levels, as well as geographic location and marital status, stand out as elements that contribute significantly to the presence of obesity in pregnant women.
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