¿Los comportamientos sexuales explican el cáncer de orofaringe (OPC) relacionado con el VPH?

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Roberto David Flores Núñez


Introduction: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted infection which has closely been linked to oropharyngeal cancer. Some evidence suggests that sexual behaviors may increase the risk of oropharyngeal cancer. Objectives: To summarize the current information about HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer and its relationship with sexual behaviors. Methodology: Google Scholar was used to find electronic databases about HPV-associated oropharyngeal cancer cases and review articles from 2020 and 2023. Results: 8 studies revealed that sexual behaviors may increase the risk of oropharyngeal cancer, whereas 2 studies claim that there is no correlation between HPV infections and sexual habits. Conclusion: safe sexual practices may reduce the risk of HPV infections and the risk of developing oropharyngeal cancer. General field of ​​study: Medicine. Specific field of ​​study: Virology. Type of study: review article.


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How to Cite
Flores Núñez, R. D. (2024). ¿Los comportamientos sexuales explican el cáncer de orofaringe (OPC) relacionado con el VPH?. ConcienciaDigital, 7(1.3), 162-171. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v7i1.3.2953


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