Murder, and the consummation of the right to life by violent deaths in Ecuador

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David Santiago Novillo Palomeque
Julio Cesar Inga Yanza


Introduction: This article is directed towards the problem of murder and the consummation of the right to life through the accelerated rate of violent deaths in Ecuador. Objective: The legal and social aspects related to these crimes are analyzed, as well as the repercussions on Ecuadorian society. Updated statistics are presented and viable solutions to address this severe problem are explored. Methodology: The scientific article is based on a quantitative and descriptive approach, using historical, dogmatic, analytical, and synthetic methods; by obtaining information and data through an interview with the Provincial Prosecutor of Cañar. Finally, the creation of public policies is proposed, such as stricter immigration controls, criminal background checks, the positive reinsertion of convicted persons through education programs in rehabilitation centers and the creation of sources of employment for those deprived of liberty. Results: The importance of guaranteeing the right to life as a fundamental pillar of democratic society is highlighted. A reform to article 158 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador is suggested, to strengthen security controls with the intervention of the Armed Forces, as well as to toughen the penalty established in article 140 of the Organic Integral Penal Code from 30 to 35 years of deprivation of liberty.


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How to Cite
Novillo Palomeque, D. S., & Inga Yanza, J. C. (2023). Murder, and the consummation of the right to life by violent deaths in Ecuador. ConcienciaDigital, 6(4.1), 49-74.


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