Metabolic effects of circadian rhythm disruption in hospital healthcare personnel

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Karen Daniela Flores Romero
Gabriel Aníbal Hugo Merino


Introduction: The circadian rhythm regulates metabolic changes in 24-hour cycles. In healthcare workers with night shifts, lower quality of life, emotional fatigue, and obesity are observed. Studies indicate sleep and dietary disturbances, with possible traits of anxiety or depression. Metabolic and cardiovascular diseases worsen with disruptions in the sleep-wake cycle. Objective: To establish the metabolic effects of circadian rhythm disruption in hospital healthcare workers. Methodology: This study is a narrative literature review on the metabolic effects of circadian rhythm disruption in hospital healthcare workers. Articles from the last 5 years in English and Spanish, from various sources and countries, were included. Relevant keywords were used, and studies without open access were excluded. Results were synthesized in a database with information on author, year, study type, population, and observed metabolic effects. Results: Circadian rhythm disruption in healthcare workers is associated with changes in the ability to process stimuli and alterations in clock genes affecting metabolic health. Increased fasting glucose levels and alterations in phospholipid metabolism, with elevated triglycerides and HDL, were observed. Night shift workers experience sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, work-related stress, and reduced performance compared to conventional schedules, increasing the risk of occupational accidents. Conclusion: Circadian rhythm disruption in healthcare workers is linked to diabetes, hypertension, and metabolic syndrome. Rotating night shift workers every 2 months normalizes the circadian rhythm and reduces long-term metabolic effects. Prolonged night shifts without adequate rest cause physical problems and increase the risk of depression and Burnout syndrome. Night work affects attention and critical judgment, posing risks to patients. Lack of staff, insufficient rest periods, and poor diet are major contributors to circadian disruption.


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Flores Romero, K. D., & Hugo Merino, G. A. (2023). Metabolic effects of circadian rhythm disruption in hospital healthcare personnel. ConcienciaDigital, 6(3.1), 202-229.


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