Puruhá culture: analysis of the social imaginary of the young adult population of the Colta, Ecuador

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Edison Raúl Lomas Badillo
José Luis Guaranga Chafla


Introduction: The Puruhá Culture (CP) is an Indigenous ethnic group that currently lives in the province of Chimborazo with a wide culture and tradition. The social imaginary of the population of the Colta canton (a place with a large settlement of the CP) can strongly influence the preservation of the customs and traditions of this town. Objective: The objective of this research is: a) to briefly describe the major features of PC and b) to conduct an analysis of the social imaginary and its implications for changes in PC. Methodology: Non-experimental study conducted in focus groups and 384 adults between 17 and 30 years of the Colta city, Chimborazo province. It was found that 72% consider that there is discrimination towards their clothing. 50.59% communicate in Spanish within the Colta city. 95% consider that Kechwa speaking people are discriminated against for speaking this language. Results: Finally, 57.81% practice the evangelical religion, 97% do not worship elements of nature. Conclusions: It is concluded that there are profound changes in the CP, which could affect the identity of this people and increase in magnitude with the passage of time. General study area: Communication. Specific area of study: Ethnographic.


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How to Cite
Lomas Badillo, E. R., & Guaranga Chafla, J. L. (2023). Puruhá culture: analysis of the social imaginary of the young adult population of the Colta, Ecuador . ConcienciaDigital, 6(2), 137-154. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v6i2.2556


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