Feasibility of TIG welding in the assembly of extruded 6063 aluminum for automobile manufacturing

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Javier Milton Solís Santamaria
Yadira Maricela Semblantes Claudio
Juan Antonio Villacís López
Diego Paul Herrera Santamaria


Introduction. One of the most used materials in various industrial processes is aluminum, due to its great versatility and low weight, great malleability and formability, resistance to corrosion, and high electrical conductivity. Its appearance has allowed a boom in the development of new techniques, methods, and applications. Among the joining methods are welding processes, and specifically the TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding process, which uses an atmosphere of Argon gas to protect the formation of the weld seam. Objective. The present study is focused on analyzing the feasibility of TIG welding in the assembly of extruded 6063 aluminum for automobile manufacturing. Methodology. It is based on documentary and bibliographical research. Results. They were based on the analyzes of the characteristics of the 6063 alloy, the extrusion of the metals and the characteristics of the weld. Conclusion. Embrittlement of the base material was obtained due to electric arc heating, as well as a decrease in tensile strength and an increase in the hardness of aluminum before a welding procedure. To minimize and solve the effects described above on the characteristics of aluminum, a heat treatment must be used after the welding process.


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How to Cite
Solís Santamaria, J. M., Semblantes Claudio, Y. M., Villacís López, J. A., & Herrera Santamaria , D. P. (2023). Feasibility of TIG welding in the assembly of extruded 6063 aluminum for automobile manufacturing . ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.3), 6-19. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v6i1.3.2497


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