The training of Human Talent and Professional Skills: An indissoluble link for job success.

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Norma Yolanda Villacis Venegas


Introduction. Opting for a training model that results in a more competent, innovative and comprehensive professional and that contributes to job success, implies changes in the didactic-methodological strategies that are developed at the university, which is not always easy. Target. Objective. Establish the importance of the relationship between the training process of human talent and the development of skills in professionals, as an indissoluble link for job success. Methodology. A descriptive, non-experimental methodology was used, based on the documentary review and theoretical methods, under established inclusion criteria. Results. 1. The initial idea of ​​the research was confirmed: There is an indissoluble link between the training process and the professional competencies achieved by each student; The more optimization is achieved in the process of training human talents, the better performance and professional competencies they will achieve, which positively influences individual job success and also the organizations and companies where new professionals are inserted. 2. It is necessary to implement and develop new didactic-methodological strategies to provoke a meaningful teaching-learning process that allows contributing to the training of competent, innovative and comprehensive professionals and to quality in job placement, satisfying social demands and expectations and labor. 3. Guidelines are established that may constitute possible solutions. Conclusions. Optimization in the training and curricular process requires that it be streamlined, together with the implementation of novel methodological strategies, on scientifically sound bases. This process is closely linked to the development of professional competences, which requires having a committed and updated faculty, capable of migrating from a Traditional Didactics to a Contemporary Didactics and that can establish in the teaching-learning process the indissoluble link between : training processes, development of professional skills and job success.


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How to Cite
Villacis Venegas, N. Y. (2021). The training of Human Talent and Professional Skills: An indissoluble link for job success. ConcienciaDigital, 4(3.1), 66-75.


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