Title Analysis of financial innovation as an income generating process in the saving and credit cooperatives of segment 1 of Chimborazo province.
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Introduction: Financial innovation, being considered a tool that allows offering faster and lower-cost financial products and services, is directly linked to the generation of income for entities in the financial sector. Objective: Analyze the incidence of financial innovation in the generation of income in the savings and credit cooperatives segment 1 of the Chimborazo province, considering variables such as ATMs, deposits, placements, number of financial operations and the income generated in the period 2018 - 2020. Methodology: The research approach was quantitative, the inductive deductive method allowed to analyze the data obtained from the variables, a linear regression model was applied through the STATA 16.1 software. Results: The financial innovation known as ATMs shows a 36% increase in the income of the savings and credit cooperatives in segment 1. Conclusion: According to the results obtained, it is concluded that there is a positive impact of financial innovation in the generation of income of the financial entities analyzed.
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