Evaluation and redesign of plants in the lácteos Company Alanba

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Marllury Deysi Aldáz Parra
Byron Fernando Castillo Parra
Fredy Patricio Erazo Rodriguez
Cristian Germán Santiana Espín


In the present investigation, the production process of the Alanba dairy company was evaluated by schematizing and describing the production line of fresh cheese and mozzarella; The evaluation of the infrastructure was with the use of a checklist, prepared under the regulations (RESOLUTION ARCSA 067); areas, equipment and materials existing in the company were identified and defined. For the redistribution of the production area, the logistic performance indicator was used, which allows obtaining the percentage of use of company space (UEA), in determining the sequence and locations of workstations, the Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) method, then with the use of the Guerchet method the total area required for the equipment and materials needed in the production area was determined. The results of the evaluation established that the infrastructure presents a 52% compliance, according to the requirements established by the current national regulations, however, the National Agency for Regulation, Control and Sanitary Surveillance requires a minimum compliance of 80%, for this reason Correction measures were recommended in order to comply with the requirements of the regulations. By applying the UEA methodology and establishing the redesign, an increase was obtained from 37% to 96% in the indicator of space utilization, the reference budget of the proposed redesign was calculated, being this of $ 7,496.73 US dollars. It is feasible to carry out the proposed redesign, since the benefit-cost ratio is greater than unity (B / C = 1.49).


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How to Cite
Aldáz Parra, M. D., Castillo Parra, B. F., Erazo Rodriguez, F. P., & Santiana Espín, C. G. (2020). Evaluation and redesign of plants in the lácteos Company Alanba. ConcienciaDigital, 3(3), 416-434. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v3i3.1335


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