Florists, micro-businesses generated as enterprises based on legal regulations

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Diego Patricio Vallejo Sánchez
Raquel Virginia Colcha Ortiz
María del Carmen Moreno Albuja.


The research synthesizes the results of surveys carried out on a whole segment of commerce in the city of Riobamba, in the research it was developed as a cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study, it was analyzed to the people who commercialize or produce flower arrangements, that in the city ​​are 53, the objective was to determine if they emerged as entrepreneurship and according to the business turn can be considered as micro-enterprises, at the time prior to the surveys were explained to the unit of study what is a venture and what is a microenterprise, as well as the differences that exist between them, A business arises from the business idea that a person intends to carry out to generate their own income as well as not depend on a third party. Micro, small and medium enterprises are those that generate the highest income for a country, because these businesses have been created according to the entrepreneur's skills, in Among the determinant results of the research, it was determined that the total number of businesses emerged as undertakings, and in addition, 66% of the respondents stated that their businesses could be considered as micro-enterprises.


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How to Cite
Vallejo Sánchez, D. P., Colcha Ortiz, R. V., & Moreno Albuja., M. del C. (2020). Florists, micro-businesses generated as enterprises based on legal regulations. ConcienciaDigital, 3(2.2), 33-49.


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