Communication: a social scientific-technological process in the teaching-learning process of the electrotechnology course at the Instituto Superior Pedagogical Intercultural Bilingual Ab. Martha Bucarán Roldós

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Sayda Cecilia Chamba Melo
Efraín Velasteguí López
Gabriela Cristina Aguilera Flores
Wilson Wilfrido Quille Chimborazo


The objective of this text is to demonstrate how information and communication technologies (ICT) have an important impact on people's interactivity, motivating students towards learning the discipline, providing the possibility of developing their capacities and abilities to multicultural interaction, access to information, knowledge and education, as well as in the subject of the discipline of electrotechnics at the Instituto Superior Pedagógico Intercultural Bilingue Ab. Martha Bucaram de Roldós Institute


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How to Cite
Chamba Melo, S. C., Velasteguí López, E., Aguilera Flores, G. C., & Quille Chimborazo, W. W. (2020). Communication: a social scientific-technological process in the teaching-learning process of the electrotechnology course at the Instituto Superior Pedagogical Intercultural Bilingual Ab. Martha Bucarán Roldós. ConcienciaDigital, 3(2.1), 132-144.


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