Communicational process of solid waste management in food and service businesses. Case study Gastronomy School restaurant

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Iraida Maritza Gavilanez Alvarez
Susana Monserrat Zurita Polo


The processes that are developed in the gastronomic field in the Restaurant of the ESPOCH Gastronomy Career are carried out efficiently, so it is pertinent to make the polytechnic community known and socialize the general public through different communication processes as performs solid waste management which will improve the service provided by students and teachers in the environment in the aforementioned restaurant. It is important to disseminate how practices are carried out in terms of solid waste management, identifying the need to implement adequate environmental plans that facilitate and improve restaurant services, in this way both environmental and visual impacts can be greatly reduced. that could be generated by the accumulation of garbage. To carry out this research, a diagnosis was first made and then a baseline survey on the management of both organic and inorganic solid waste resulting from the process generated in the kitchen, and the processes that are developed in terms of recycling were identified. Within the course, through some research techniques such as observation, application of surveys, and interviews with both the responsible staff and users of the ESPOCH School of Gastronomy restaurant, Additionally, an environmental file was used to identify the characterization of areas of influence in both the physical, biotic, socio-cultural, and educational areas, among others. The Environmental Standards TULAS BOOK VI Annex 6 for the Management of Non-Hazardous Solid Waste have also been consulted , and the Per Capita Production of waste that the restaurant generates has been determined, being 0.20 Kg / Room / day. o 0.45lb / Hab / day and a total of waste generated per week of 113.91Kg. or 250.61lb corresponding to a common week of work in the restaurant.


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How to Cite
Gavilanez Alvarez, I. M., & Zurita Polo, S. M. (2020). Communicational process of solid waste management in food and service businesses. Case study Gastronomy School restaurant. ConcienciaDigital, 3(2.1), 25-40.


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