Evaluation of the San Vicente forest plant for management and conservation purposes located in the cantón guano, Ecuador

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Hernán Eriberto Chamorro Sevilla
Gladys Janneth Urquizo Buenaño
Ana Lucila Cushpa Guamán
David Francisco Lara Vásconez


This research is based on the management of the stands that make up the San Vicente forest estate, and is complemented by the description of its current situation and the calculation of dasometric indicators. These were required components for the generation of technical management strategies, through the application of systematic sampling when installing circular plots of 250 m2 for stand one, the census for stand 2 and exploratory sampling for stands 3, 4 and 5. According to the results, the San Vicente property is characterized by a stand formed by five blocks of Pinus radiata trees, stand two by Cupressus macrocarpa trees, stand 3 consists of two blocks of Eucalyptus globulus in the low latizal state, stand four or conservation zone formed by tree, shrub and herbaceous species and a fifth stand or area used. According to the above, it is proposed to apply thinning at an intensity of 20 to 30% for the blocks of stand one, pruning activity to the Cupresus macrocarpa trees of stand two, stand 3 requires gradual management of Eucalyptus trees globulus in a low latizal state; for sawn timber and posts, it could leave between 1-3 shoots per stump, and for fuel (firewood) a number greater than three; the stand four will be left as is and that the factors of the site affect until the next monitoring between 2-4 years. Finally, for stand five, it is proposed to reforest with the use of Pinus radiata seedlings at a distance of 3m x 3m in order to re-establish the land use system, promoting the generation of ecological, economic and social benefits when applying criteria of sustainable management for the management of the forest resources of the evaluated property.


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Chamorro Sevilla, H. E., Urquizo Buenaño, G. J., Cushpa Guamán, A. L., & Lara Vásconez, D. F. (2020). Evaluation of the San Vicente forest plant for management and conservation purposes located in the cantón guano, Ecuador. ConcienciaDigital, 3(1.1), 147-167. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v3i1.1.1137


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