Reading comprehension of English language through playful activities

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Luis Even Pazmiño Pavón
Paúl Rolando Armas Pesántez
Edison Hernán Salazar Calderón
Edgar Eduardo Heredia Arboleda


The objective of the present research work was to make a diagnosis of the reading comprehension of English language by means of applying playful activities such as stories, games, and vocabulary on students of second English Level of Agroindustry Engineering at the Animal Science Faculty of the Escuela Superior Polytechnical de Chimborazo during the academic period September 2019 - February 2020. Since it is known that students experience a lack of concentration, the research had an educational, descriptive, bibliographic, qualitative, quantitative and temporal approach. To achieve the objective, an observation form was prepared, which was reviewed and approved by a group of four academic peers who are specialized in English. The form used a range of options according to a Likert scale, which allowed to measure qualitative aspects to later quantify them. The sample was intentional, composed of 30 students, men and women, who have similar knowledge of the English language. The information obtained was tabulated and represented in statistical tables and graphs to later be analyzed and interpreted, allowing to determine that the application of playful activities are strategies that motivate the reading comprehension of the English language. It is recommended to integrate recreational activities as a strategy in the curriculum to influence reading comprehension of English.


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How to Cite
Pazmiño Pavón, L. E., Armas Pesántez, P. R., Salazar Calderón, E. H., & Heredia Arboleda, E. E. (2020). Reading comprehension of English language through playful activities. ConcienciaDigital, 3(1.1), 103-117.


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