Pelvic floor strengthening exercise program for women with sexual dysfunction
Main Article Content
Introduction: Female sexual dysfunction is one of the gynecological consultations with the highest demand, being dyspareunia one of the disorders that afflict the female population in 26%. Pelvic floor muscle training exercises are a treatment to mitigate the adverse effects on sexual function. Some of the sexual health programs in physiotherapy are multimodal, integrating exercises with sexual education. Objective: To analyze physiotherapeutic programs aimed at pelvic floor muscle strengthening through literature reviews to mitigate female sexual dysfunction. Methodology: It is of bibliographic type with documentary design, inductive method, with data collected since 2017 from the following databases: PubMed, ProQuest, ScienceDirect, EBSCO, Semantic Scholar, SPRINGER LINK and Em Saúde. We were able to identify, filter and pre-analyze randomized clinical trials with the help of Boolean operators (AND, OR and NOT), along with inclusion, exclusion criteria and the Physiotherapy Evidence Database scale. Results: It started with a population of 112 articles, after analyzing a sample of 27 articles was obtained, covering pelvic floor strengthening programs in female sexual dysfunction, starting by raising awareness of pelvic muscle contraction, along with instruments, sex education, partner support and self-directed work, being effective in dyspareunia and sexual dysfunction disorders. Conclusions: It was demonstrated the effectiveness of multimodal programs in training the hypotonic pelvic floor musculature, increasing sexual desire, lubrication, orgasm, sexual satisfaction, and pain reduction in women with sexual dysfunction. General Area of Study: Physical therapy. Specific area of study: Pelvic floor. Type of study: Bibliography Review.
Article Details
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