Pink tooth phenomenon in forensic medicine and odontology
Main Article Content
Introduction: The appearance of postmortem pink teeth is a phenomenon that can be observed as a consequence of venous increase and pressure in the dental pulp. Objective: Analyze the scientific evidence on the pink tooth phenomenon in Forensic Medicine and Dentistry. Methodology: Bibliographic review to search for high-impact publications, the ResearchGate, Google scholar, Scopus, Pubmed, Scielo databases were used from 2013 to 2023 in Spanish, English and Portuguese. Results: The pink tooth phenomenon in forensic medicine and odontology continues to be studied, it occurs as a consequence of the increase in intrapulpal pressure, the reddish color is due to a release of soluble hemoglobin around the dental pulp from the process. of autolysis. Conclusion: The phenomenon of postmortem pink tooth, its appearance is not fully clarified and there is no confirmed evidence of its direct relationship with certain causes of death. General area of study: Medicine and Dentistry. Specific area of study: Forensic Medicine and Dentistry. Type of study: Systematic review article.
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