Relationship between tonsil size and dental arch form. a literature review

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Erika Carolina Tapia Vásquez
María Isabel Cabrera Padrón


Introduction. A set of structures forms the stomatognathic system. Each of them plays a fundamental role in the fulfillment of functions and esthetics of individuals. Thus, health personnel must be aware of the anatomy and function of each structure comprising the stomatognathic system, its configuration, dental occlusion, shape of the dental arches, and how these structures are subjected to significant transformations during life. It should be considered that dental occlusion is determined by bone growth, neuromuscular maturity, and dental development, which represent a possible etiological factor in dysfunctional pathology. Objective. To identify the relationship between the size of the tonsils and the shape of the dental arches. Methods. A descriptive study was conducted through a literature review in Google Scholar, SciELO, PubMed, Elsevier, and ScienceDirect databases. The inclusion criteria were clinical trials, systematic reviews, literature reviews, and articles published in the last five years in English and Spanish. Exclusion criteria were syndromic or surgically treated patients. Results. A meaningful relationship is described between the size of the tonsils and the shape of the arches, thus modifying the patients' occlusion. Conclusion. The shape of the dental arches is fundamental to understand the alterations that affect occlusion and respiration. Habits such as mouth breathing and conditions such as nasal obstruction, hyperplasia of the tonsils influence these alterations, causing breathing difficulties. Recognizing these interrelationships is essential to effectively treat respiratory and occlusal disorders.


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How to Cite
Tapia Vásquez , E. C., & Cabrera Padrón , M. I. (2024). Relationship between tonsil size and dental arch form. a literature review. Anatomía Digital, 7(3.2), 24-41.
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