Protective mechanisms of insensitivity to growth hormone (Laron syndrome) against cancer and diabetes mellitus

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Sidney Selena Moya Pérez
Doris Raquel Medina Medina


Introduction: The axis Growth hormone-growth hormone-growth hormone-insulin growth factor type 1 (GHRH-GH-IGF1) demonstrates an extraordinary level of biological complexity. When there is a molecular defect in the growth hormone receptor, it triggers an inability to synthesize the growth factor IGF-1 in the liver, which is what we know as growth hormone insensitivity syndrome (GHID). Within this picture is the well-known Laron syndrome, a disease of autosomal recessive inheritance characterized by a primary resistance to GH, in Ecuador there is a large population with this syndrome and in it several mechanisms of insensitivity to GH have been studied as well as the metabolic and cellular effects of IGF-1 deficiency. We present a systematic review of the existing literature, collecting information from the databases of Medline, Intra Med, PubMed, The Cochrane, SciELO and other journals with quality scientific evidence, which analyzes the evidence found in recent years that suggests the existence of a correlation between GHID and the minimal risk of diabetes mellitus and all types of cancer. The primary insensitivity to GH possessed by patients with SL would thus represent a favorable condition in relation to the risk of diabetes mellitus and cancer. Among the suggested protective mechanisms of GHID are an increase in insulin sensitivity and decreased IGF-1 leading to less cell progression to cancer.


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How to Cite
Moya Pérez, S. S., & Medina Medina, D. R. (2022). Protective mechanisms of insensitivity to growth hormone (Laron syndrome) against cancer and diabetes mellitus. Anatomía Digital, 5(3), 104-120.