Assessment of body injury: Case report

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Edmundo N. Chóez Chiliquinga
María F. Zambrano Pérez
Mayra V. Barros Carvajal
Mariana J. Chuquirima Lima
Doris N. Calle Mendoza


We define violence as aggressive behavior, the intention of which is to cause harm to the person who exercises it, starting from this brief concept we can cite that intrafamily violence is the type of aggressive behavior that occurs between members of a family, or also the case of people related either by consanguinity or by affinity. The present case is about a female, adult, victim of verbal aggression by her sentimental partner, with the final result of the aggression being extensive physical injuries. As a conclusion we have a case of domestic violence whose perpetrator was the sentimental partner of the patient, although the injuries were not directly provided by the aggressor, but the death threats were those that triggered the survival reaction in the victim and indirectly caused extensive physical injuries.


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How to Cite
Chóez Chiliquinga, E. N., Zambrano Pérez, M. F., Barros Carvajal, M. V., Chuquirima Lima, M. J., & Calle Mendoza, D. N. (2022). Assessment of body injury: Case report. Anatomía Digital, 5(2.1), 60-67.