Pink tooth phenomenon in forensic medicine and odontology

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Caterine Nataly Orozco Orozco
Daniela Lisseth González Pazmiño
Jaime Enrique Daqui Sanaguano
Darwin Marcelo Ruiz Fiallos


Introduction: The appearance of postmortem pink teeth is a phenomenon that can be observed as a consequence of venous increase and pressure in the dental pulp. Objective: Analyze the scientific evidence on the pink tooth phenomenon in Forensic Medicine and Dentistry. Methodology: Bibliographic review to search for high-impact publications, the ResearchGate, Google scholar, Scopus, Pubmed, Scielo databases were used from 2013 to 2023 in Spanish, English and Portuguese. Results: The pink tooth phenomenon in forensic medicine and odontology continues to be studied, it occurs as a consequence of the increase in intrapulpal pressure, the reddish color is due to a release of soluble hemoglobin around the dental pulp from the process. of autolysis. Conclusion: The phenomenon of postmortem pink tooth, its appearance is not fully clarified and there is no confirmed evidence of its direct relationship with certain causes of death. General area of ​​study: Medicine and Dentistry. Specific area of ​​study: Forensic Medicine and Dentistry. Type of study: Systematic review article.


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How to Cite
Orozco Orozco, C. N., González Pazmiño, D. L., Daqui Sanaguano, J. E., & Ruiz Fiallos, D. M. (2024). Pink tooth phenomenon in forensic medicine and odontology. Anatomía Digital, 7(2.2), 91-99.
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