Intervention on Covid19 in patients with lung cancer and their relatives

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Lisandry Alonso Lemus
Kirenia Camacho Sosa
Esteban Carlos Valenzuela Cordero
Luís Enrique Curbelo Gutiérez


Introduction: COVID 19 is a pandemic disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, with several groups vulnerable to complications of infection such as patients with lung cancer, associated with immunosuppression due to the oncospecific treatment imposed. Objective: to determine the effectiveness of an educational intervention on Covid-19 in patients with lung cancer and their families. Methodology: A quasi-experimental, before-after study was carried out through an educational intervention during the period from the first of September 2020 to October 31 of that same year, through an applied survey. The intervention was designed in three stages: diagnostic, intervention itself and evaluative. Results: A significant increase in the level of adequate knowledge was observed after the educational intervention on generalities of Covid-19 (84.8%), signs and symptoms of disease (95.7%), complications (82.6%), prevention measures (100%) and susceptibility to Covid-19 (93.5%). Discussion: the educational intervention allows to increase the perception of the risk in those who receive it, guaranteeing a better act in them. Conclusions: the educational intervention increased knowledge about Covid-19 and its effectiveness was demonstrated.


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How to Cite
Alonso Lemus, L., Camacho Sosa, K., Valenzuela Cordero, E. C., & Curbelo Gutiérez, L. E. (2022). Intervention on Covid19 in patients with lung cancer and their relatives. Anatomía Digital, 5(2.1), 17-31.