The illegal collection of money and its treatment in the Ecuadorian legal order

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Estuardo Alejandro Gordon Gordon
Fernando Eduardo Paredes Fuertes


Introduction. The present investigation will identify the social and legal factors that encompass the illegal collection of money called financial pyramids. It should be noted that this crime is legally typified in the comprehensive criminal organic code, which is a typical, unlawful, and guilty act where the people who carry it out are fully aware of the illegality of the action. Objective. Determine why criminal organizations commit financial crimes, which is affecting people's assets and the state's economic order. Methodology. To achieve these results, research methods were used, such as: documentary analysis, bibliographic review and the deductive-inductive method which allows specifying some main facts related to the illegal collection of money as a financial crime. Results. Among the results achieved in the subject exposed through the application of the deductive-inductive method of documentary type, it can be determined that there are some factors that contribute to the increase of these illegal activities, such as: the insufficient fiscal procedure, the lack of information that the people who have on this illegal phenomenon and the increase in organized crime in the public sector with regard to members of the armed forces, national police, and public officials. Conclusion. It is concluded that the penalties imposed in Ecuador for the illegal collection of money are appropriate because among them is the deprivation of liberty, property penalties and state fines, that the problem lies in the lack of information of the sanctions that establishes the Ecuadorian criminal law.


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How to Cite
Gordon Gordon, E. A., & Paredes Fuertes, F. E. (2022). The illegal collection of money and its treatment in the Ecuadorian legal order. Visionario Digital, 6(4), 143-162.


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