The negative administrative silence in the extraordinary review resources according to the COA, compared to the right to receive reasoned answer
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The purpose of this paper is to carry out an analysis from the administrative and constitutional level on the applicability of article 234 of the Administrative Organic Code (COA) that regulates negative administrative silence within the extraordinary appeal for review, since this legal norm included the tacit refusal; that is, if the public entity does not respond to a citizen's request, the request will be understood as denied to the administrator, a problem that is currently occurring in Ministries among other public entities that have been given the power to substantiate and process extraordinary appeals for review. In the investigation through the application of the methods: legal-doctrinal and legal-analytical and using the types of study: descriptive, explanatory and non-experimental, with a qualitative approach, it has been concluded that negative administrative silence in the extraordinary resources of review according to the COA, if it violates the constitutional right of petition and to receive motivated answers that is established in article 66, numeral 23 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, as well as limits the constitutional right to appeal , since, with the tacit refusal, the citizen and his technical defense will not be able to know the reasons why his appeal was denied, which has a negative impact on substantiating his challenge and exercising the right to defense before the superior, which is evidenced in the present investigation.
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