The principle of minimal criminal intervention in the criminal trial stage

Introduction: This article addresses the principle of minimal criminal intervention in the criminal trial stage from international doctrine and Ecuadorian legislation, taking into account that the State has undergone an evolution in terms of handling its punitive power, which in principle It involved the excessive use of criminal law to sanction behaviors that produced an affectation of the legal assets of the people, towards a more democratic stage where limits were established to said powers, in order that there are no arbitrary, disproportionate and disproportionate sanctions, but that criminal law is reserved for those cases in which the legal situation cannot be resolved by a route other than the criminal alternative and above all to the restriction of freedom, this being a fundamental principle that Ecuadorian legislation has adopted due to that it is compatible with its constitutional paradigm, guarantor of the rights of the people as a priority duty of the State, hence it is expressly recognized both in the supreme norm and in the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code. Objectives: Analyze the principle of minimal criminal intervention in the criminal trial stage from the Ecuadorian doctrine and legislation. Define doctrinally the principle of minimal criminal intervention. - Determine which are the constitutional and legal norms that regulate the principle of minimum criminal intervention. -Establish how the principle of minimum criminal intervention manifests itself within the trial stage in criminal matters. Methodology: The present investigation has been developed under the descriptive modality, using the analytical method and the bibliographic technique. Results: Among the results obtained, it is observed that, currently, despite the implementation of the principle of minimum criminal intervention expressly in Ecuadorian legislation, the State still does not maintain a model in accordance with the one required by this model. Conclusions: The principle of minimal criminal intervention is constituted as a limit to the punitive power of the State, through which it is intended that criminal law and measures such as the restriction of personal freedom are of last resort, that is, they are only applied when other measures and branches of law have failed to resolve a legal situation, so that criminal coercion is only applied in the face of particularly serious acts that affect priority legal rights, so that there is due proportionality and justification of penalties.

Saby Dinorat Hinojosa Copete


The importance of the fiscal management system case company Vietic Cia. Ltda.

Introduction: In the year 1989 in the city of Quito, the company Villacis Imports Exports Techniques Industrializes and Commercializes Vietic Cia. Ltda., was established. Currently have 32 years of experience in the geodetic, topographic, and civil engineering area since its creation; no study of its financial situation was ever conducted. Objectives: This research study is based on the development and proposal of a fiscal management system model for Vietic Cía. Ltda.: this allows the company to be managed effectively, efficiently, and economically, promoting technical, human, and transparent management in the administrative management process, thus detailing the loss of financial resources. Methodology: This is conducted through a non-experimental investigation, since there is no manipulation of variables, it is based on the observation of its needs and it is longitudinal, since it is possible to analyze the before and after of the company when the method is implemented management system. In the same way, to achieve the design and implementation, the methods described below are used: deductive method, that is, starting with a general analysis, which leads to specific ones; analytical method, through the analysis of data from selected samples to study them individually, which at the same time uses quantitative methods, because the impact can be measured numerically with indicators; and qualitative, because it explains the situation of the company, based entirely on the requirements and needs already determined during the organizational diagnosis stage. Results: A comparative study of financial documents corresponding to the years 2016, 2017 and 2018 was conducted based on the criteria for obtaining information, from a selected population to ensure that the feasibility and feasibility requirements of the minimum conditions necessary for conducting the investigation. Conclusions: Finally, with the identification of criteria and indicators, it is possible to measure the economic performance of a company and it is about promoting a technical, human, and transparent management in the delicate process of administration and the provision of financial resources.

Blanca Verónica Atupaña Ayol, Giovanny Javier Alarcón Parra, María Francisca Cazorla Logroño, Eduardo Xavier Centeno Parra


Desarrollo de un backend para la gestión del sistema penitenciario del Ecuador

Introduction. In Ecuador, there are currently many problems in the penitentiary system, which has led to the lack of technological means to deal with this problem finally. On the other hand, the latest statistics show a deficit in the security of the penitentiary centers in Ecuador, which further aggravates this demanding situation, since the controls for the entry of people are conducted manually. An agent keeps a record of all visits on paper sheets and on rare occasions makes use of spreadsheets. Likewise, the register of inmates in each of the prisons is kept manually, which causes a series of inconveniences such as: not having the exact number of inmates in each of the prisons, not having an orderly categorization, and information is only available in printed media, outdated information, no statistical reports. On the other hand, the use of technological means, as well as real-time communication, have become more important in this digital era. For this reason, the development and use of web applications, mobile applications, desktop applications, and progressive web applications, among others, have allowed automating tasks and better control of information in small, medium, and large companies. Objective. To develop a backend for the management of Ecuador's penitentiary system. Methodology. The method applied was deductive with a qualitative approach, with an experimental and documented design. Results. Among the results obtained in the research and the application of the technological tools, it has been possible to develop a backend that allows them to manage the personnel working in the prisons, such as directors, guards, and prisoners. In addition, to obtain information in real-time about the wards, and prisons and to make reports by the guards. Conclusion. It is concluded that the use of current development tools that are scalable over time, as well as the implementation of an appropriate development methodology, has allowed the development of a technological tool that allows the maximum authorities of the penitentiary system to obtain detailed, efficient, organized information in real-time thanks to the use of technology.

Byron Gustavo Loarte Cajamarca


Density assessment and forest management of piptocoma discolor (Pigüe) and other species in the province of Pastaza – Ecuador

Introduction: the world and national policy consider the key to the conservation of species, for the synergies of natural ecosystems, with the importance of maintaining the balance against the activities of man as sustainable and sustainable resources of the ecosystem. Goal. Evaluate the density and forest management of the species of Piptocoma discolor (Pigüe) and other species in the province of Pastaza - Ecuador. Methodology: the study was conducted in the cantons: Pastaza, Mera, Santa Clara and Arajuno of the Province of Pastaza. Considering the altitude conditions of each canton, through the application of a random sampling in forty-eight properties of an area of ​​10,400 m2 of secondary forest, a statistical analysis was achieved as Results: the relationships between the categories of the stem with 54.94%, with a variability coefficient of 7.13%, with a probability of 0.01%, a reliability of 99% and with a Tukey test at 0.01%. The current potential of the following species was determined: Piptocoma discolor, Cecropia peltata L., Inga edulis Mart, Jacaranda mimosifolia D. Don., Miconia Ruiz & Pav., Myrica pubescens Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd., Piptocoma Cass, Ocotea Aubl., Vismia baccifera L. Triana & Planch., Joosia umbellifera H. Karst. Conclusions: according to the evaluation, 70% of the forest does not have forest management, and in 30% there is evidence of rudimentary thinning, due to the absence of technical forest management, there is an imbalance of biodiversity in the Ecuadorian Amazon

Erika Clara Casco G, Juan Elías González , Rubén Darío Ledesma, Billy Coronel Espinoza, Luis Enrique Guerrero Naranjo, Santiago Homero Cuichan P.


Soil Carbon in secondary forest and grass

Introduction: Soil contains the largest reserve of organic carbon in terrestrial ecosystems, and it is the natural resource with the greatest vulnerability to climate change. Objective: To determine to what extent land use change influences carbon sequestration and fractioning in secondary forests and pastures soil. Methodology: This study was conducted in San Miguel de Barranca, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Elevation at this location range from 150 to 200 m.a.s.l., average annual rainfall of 2043 mm, and rough terrain with 23-55% steep slopes. We investigated three systems, mixed improved pastures with trees (PmA), degraded pastures (Pd), and secondary forest (Bs). Each replication had nine sampling points: three main trial pits (1x1x1m) across the slope and six mini-trial pits (0.5 x0.5 x0.5m) evenly spaced along a 20m transect. Laboratory analysis consisted of soil physical-chemical fractioning with a Flash EA 1112 autoanalyzer. Results: PmA system stored the highest value of organic carbon in the soil (141.79 Mg ha-1) up to 0.8 m deep, followed by Pd (133.22 Mg ha-1) and Bs (85.80 Mg ha-1). Pasture systems displayed 68.2% passive carbon and 65% in secondary forests. Discussion: The carbon storage trend PmA > Pd > Bs is likely due to biophysical and topographical phenomena linked to heavy rainfall. Precipitation could have influenced the carbon cycle in the secondary forest floor to have the lowest value. Conclusions: 50% of the total organic carbon is stored between 0 and 20 cm deep in the soil and, to a considerable extent, in the labile form. Carbon is released due to deforestation or ecological anomalies associated with climate change. Our results show the need to preserve forested areas and restore degraded areas.

Raúl Armando Ramos Veintimilla , Roy Vera Vélez, Jorge Eduardo Grijalva Olmedo, Mario Rolando Ramos Veintimilla


Management skills and strategic planning factors of competitiveness in commercial MSMEs: Azogues – Ecuador

Introduction. The micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) that are registered in Ecuador are responsible for the growth of production, the generation of jobs, the digital transformation, and the productive efficiency of the country. MiPymes participate in the productive activities of the economy. Objective. To determine the positive association between management skills, strategic planning, and competitiveness in commercial MSMEs in Azogues, Ecuador. Methodology. The methodological approach was based on a quantitative approach, non-probabilistic and intentional sampling was applied. The research is exploratory, descriptive, and correlational; it is also cross-sectional or transactional and non-experimental. The population was finite of 156 research subjects, a questionnaire was applied to a sampling frame that includes 112 MSMEs. Results. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied to determine the normality or not of the data collected, a p value of 0,00 was obtained for the three variables, which indicates that the data correspond to a normal distribution (p<0.05). 05), to determine the correlation of the same the Pearson test was applied, in the independent variable Prom_Managerial_Skills 0.587** was obtained in relation to the dependent variable Prom_Competitiveness with a Bilateral Sig. of 0.000 <0.05 of the p-value consequently it is statistically significant. The independent variable Prom_PlanningStrategy shows a strong correlation of 0.578** and a bilateral sig. of 0.000 < 0.05 p-value, there is a correlation with the variable Prom_Competitiveness and it is statistically significant. The results suggest that there is a significant and direct relationship with a significant degree of relationship. Conclusions. The findings of this research show that managerial skills and strategic planning have a positive impact on the competitiveness of MSMEs.

Xavier Augusto Mantilla Crespo , Juan Bautista Solís Muñoz


Factors that affect the dignified aging of the elderly of the Santa Rosa parish Ambato-Ecuador

The objective of the research is to determine what are the factors that affect the aging of older adults in Ambato, to achieve this objective the descriptive-analytical method was used because it allowed to identify those factors that are diverse depending on the needs and deficiencies that have people who have reached this stage of their lives, since the reality of a retiree who has his monthly economic pension is not the same as those who do not have it, and even more so to those who experience the uprooting of their family, without leaving to mention that to a precarious life situation of the elderly, serious health problems and disabilities are generally added, which demand significant resources that are not able to solve, for this reason the co-responsibility that must exist between the State agencies, be they these national or local, must be associated with the care of the family nucleus closest to the older adult, an important finding part of this research explains the factors that affect a dignified aging that include medical and psychological care, safe access for mobility without danger, economic income necessary to cover their basic needs and family support for those who have this possibility.

Martha María Chango Andagana, Amílcar Alexander Barahona Néjer, Bertha Janneth Cárdenas Lata, Blanca de los Ángeles Herrera Hugo
