Facebook and Instagram: communication platforms of the Decentralized Autonomous Government of Nangaritza, January-June 2022
Main Article Content
Introduction: Social networks have become one of the communication spaces through which public and private institutions seek to visualize themselves and interact with their audiences to achieve greater acceptance. Facebook and Instagram are widely used digital platforms due to their easy use and reach to all audiences. Objectives: a) To establish under the concepts of Niklas Luhmann's systems theory how social networks generate interaction and communication. b) To analyze how social networks serve to communicate and interact from the principles of organizational communication of the GAD of Nangaritza. Methodology: A qualitative-quantitative approach was used to obtain a comprehensive view of the use of social networks. An analysis matrix was designed that evaluated publications in the official Facebook and Instagram accounts of the GAD of Nangaritza. Interviews were also conducted with three experts in digital communication and public management to understand how these tools encourage interaction with the community. Results: The social networks of the GAD of Nangaritza have been an optimal channel to present information to citizens. However, communication and interaction have not been fully achieved, so it is necessary to adjust the organizational communication strategy. Conclusions: It is necessary to invest efforts in the creation of a specific strategic plan for the management of social networks, including periodic reviews and updates of its digital platforms. This will allow for fostering greater closeness with citizens. General study area: Communication. Specific study area: Organizational communication.
Article Details
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