Practical applications of emotional intelligence in business coaching

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María Patricia Llivisupa Segarra
Diego Patricio Cisneros Quintanilla
Jorge Edwin Ormaza Andrade


Objectives: Emotional intelligence directly influences job performance. The study of this work tries to identify the close link that exists between emotional intelligence and business coaching, in order to improve the performance and development of skills of the leaders and teams in the Jardín Azuayo Savings and Credit Cooperative of the Paute office. Therefore, the aim is to determine the key competencies that business leaders and teams must develop to improve performance and effectiveness. Methodology: The research was carried out using the analytical – synthetic method, qualitative and quantitative techniques were used to collect and analyze the data. A non-experimental approach was used. The study had a descriptive and transversal scope. Results: The sampling was specifically at the Jardín Azuayo Savings and Credit Cooperative of the Paute office, where there are 31 collaborators distributed among: agency head, cooperative advisors, cashiers and other personnel who work in the cooperative. The findings show that the majority of employees recognize and value the cooperative´s efforts to foster empathy emotional understanding, an open and respectful communication climate, and the implementation of business coaching practices. Conclusions: Emotional intelligence involves skills such as: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills, which are key factors for personal and professional success. The practical application of emotional intelligence through business coaching generates benefits for the cooperative such as the potential for staff performance, improving interpersonal relationships, more cohesive leaders, improving customer service and increasing satisfaction and commitment. General study Area: Business Administration. Specific study area: Human talent.


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Llivisupa Segarra, M. P., Cisneros Quintanilla, D. P., & Ormaza Andrade , J. E. (2024). Practical applications of emotional intelligence in business coaching. ConcienciaDigital, 7(2.1), 48-68.


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