Digital transformation at hacienda La Ciénega: best practices in project management

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Betty Fernanda Toaquiza Toaquiza
Mario Enrique Tapia Tapia
Jorge Edwin Ormaza Andrade


Introduction: The scientific article addresses the digital transformation within management, as a tool to promote the development of the La Ciénega farm, especially in the importance of international alliances to take advantage of the growth in sales in the service offered by the company. Digital technologies can contribute to improving productivity, through a focused approach with the company's collaborators in such a way that business efficiency is promoted in each of the processes. Through the real experience that was the Covid-19 pandemic, it allowed us to discover the importance of digital transformation within the workplace since this experience taught the different ways of communication with the digital transformation of different countries. Hacienda la Ciénega has entered an economic crisis since the coronavirus with limited growth potential and few customer visits. Digital transformation, whether a company or a service provider, must respond to the changing needs of its clients or market trends, to obtain satisfied clients in the service offered by Hacienda la Ciénega, and must also reconstruct the dynamics of the organizations and being able to adapt to the needs of the present and the future. Objective: Under the considerations described above, the objective of this research is to design a digital transformation methodology applicable to Hacienda La Ciénega that promotes business efficiency in each of the processes. Methodology: The research was non-experimental and numerical and statistical data, as well as non-numerical information, were collected and analyzed. Results: The results show that 35.8% of those surveyed affirm that digital transformation is applied throughout the organization and in an integrated manner, while 64.2% indicate that, although there is application, it is limited to some areas or departments. Conclusions: In conclusion, digital transformation has made it clear that it is more than a simple adoption of technology; It is a fundamental change in the way organizations operate and deliver considerable value in improving the experience of their customers.  General study area: Business Administration. Specific study area: Project direction and management


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How to Cite
Toaquiza Toaquiza, B. F., Tapia Tapia, M. E., & Ormaza Andrade , J. E. (2024). Digital transformation at hacienda La Ciénega: best practices in project management . ConcienciaDigital, 7(2.1), 6-25.


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