Artificial intelligence in higher education

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Lourdes Virginia Ortiz Velasco
Víctor Hugo Ortiz Velasco


Introduction: Education is just one of the many things that artificial intelligence (AI) can change. Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool that is revolutionizing teaching and education in today's digital age. This article will analyze the different artificial intelligence software in education and how it is changing education at all levels. Objective: We will examine how AI is changing the way we acquire knowledge and skills, in the teaching-learning process in the development of interactive resources. Methodology: The research has examined publications on Artificial Intelligence applied in education between 2013 and 2023 and has used a non-experimental descriptive research methodology. This strategy is based on carrying out an analysis of scientific production and its evolution based on a variety of established criteria. Conclusion: We can say that AI can improve education by offering new ways of personalized teaching and instant feedback for all students. However, to achieve effective adoption of AI in education, some challenges must be overcome, such as lack of adequate data, resistance to change, and lack of interpretability. Additionally, AI has the ability to make education more accessible for all students, including those with disabilities and those who do not have access to high-quality educational resources.


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How to Cite
Ortiz Velasco, L. V., & Ortiz Velasco, V. H. (2024). Artificial intelligence in higher education. ConcienciaDigital, 7(1.2), 115-131.


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