Virtual classroom on the Moodle platform to support the teaching and learning process in minor surgery

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Giovanny de Jesús Enríquez Campoverde
Angee Lysbeth Rosado Mite
Luis Efraín Velasteguí López


Introduction Moodle is an online learning platform that seeks to promote interaction and collaboration between peers and research into content for online courses, streamline learning processes, capture and manage competencies, skills and values ​​for the use of educational resources, creating communities of students who need to learn effectively, which shortens their time and allows them to review the content in the time and space they decide. Objective: Use the Moodle platform to conduct the virtual minor surgery course to optimize the teaching and learning process. Methodology. The deductive and analytical method was applied, with a qualitative approach, through the survey technique and the questionnaire instrument, with ten questions, of a descriptive, non-experimental nature, the variables were not manipulated, it was transversal, the data were collected at the same time and place. Results. The results indicated that the Moodle platform is positive for education, it allows the use of different tools to carry out tasks, upload research, it even serves to carry out the evaluation, 45.2% indicated that it allows applying tests, workshops, participation in forums, questionnaires that can be applied in the course of minor surgery. The advantages of personalizing educational environments are highlighted. Conclusion. It is concluded that it is flexible, the contents can be reviewed at any time and from any place, benefiting continuous training, it encourages independent study, the investigative nature, it is self-directed, effective, and efficient learning around ​​minor surgery.


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How to Cite
Enríquez Campoverde, G. de J., Rosado Mite, A. L., & Velasteguí López, L. E. (2023). Virtual classroom on the Moodle platform to support the teaching and learning process in minor surgery. ConcienciaDigital, 6(4), 226-243.


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