Risk mitigation plan for vulnerabilities and threats in an IoT device

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John Fernando Calle Sarmiento
Juan Pablo Cuenca Tapia


Introduction. The Internet of Things (IoT) has drastically changed daily life because of the rapid advancement of technology. Webcams, which serve a variety of functions, are, nevertheless, vulnerable to dangers like illegal access, data leakage, and real-time video streaming to other devices. The goal of this investigation is to determine whether the IoT device, the TP-Link Kasa Spot camera, is vulnerable to flaws that could jeopardize data security. Objective. Using specialist software tools, evaluate the dangers and weaknesses inherent in the webcam and its mobile application to maintain the IoT device's confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Methodology. We chose the OWASP methodology to conduct this research since its structure is practical and suited for the procedure. Results. The study aimed to develop a comprehensive risk mitigation strategy to address the vulnerabilities and threats found in the webcam and mobile application. With the goal of increasing user protection, awareness, and confidence in the use of modern technologies. Conclusion. Based on the results, it is considered that the risk mitigation plan's implementation has contributed to improving the experience of using this technology, which in turn helps prevent potential future attacks. General Area of Study: Information Technology. Specific Area of Study: Cybersecurity.


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How to Cite
Calle Sarmiento , J. F., & Cuenca Tapia, J. P. (2023). Risk mitigation plan for vulnerabilities and threats in an IoT device. ConcienciaDigital, 6(4.2), 141-160. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v6i4.2.2773


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