Vulnerability control policy in the “B" process of the admission and leveling area of the Catholic University of Cuenca

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Kerly Gardenia Ordoñez Almeida
Carlos Andrés Torres Soto
Laura Alexandra Ureta Arreaga


Introduction: The Catholic University of Cuenca, while being aligned in the scope of educational quality, innovation and institutional growth, also seeks continuous improvement in its different departments regarding information security and thus avoid possible threats to its information assets, being able to start with the Admission and Leveling area with scope to the “B” process corresponding to the taking of the Institution's Dentistry exams. Objective: Obtain the vulnerability control policy in the “B" process of the Admission and Leveling Area of the Catholic University of Cuenca. In order that they are subsequently implemented in the institution. Methodology: The methodology used was ISO 27002:2013, the main support tool was Excel and its different sheets which facilitated the analysis, followed by the technological risk management analysis tool PILAR 7.4.9 (25.10.2021). Results: The analysis of the risks, threats and vulnerabilities began with the collection of the inventory of information assets of the sub process (b) of the admission and leveling area corresponding to the taking of the Dentistry exams of the Institution, where 33 Ais were obtained, which were classified by type of AI. Conclusion:  The alma mater, has been participating in different international rankings such as; webometrics, allowing it to climb 3 places in favor of 28 to 25, concluding that the institution constantly generates actions to climb positions of academic excellence.


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How to Cite
Ordoñez Almeida, K. G., Torres Soto, C. A., & Ureta Arreaga, L. A. (2023). Vulnerability control policy in the “B" process of the admission and leveling area of the Catholic University of Cuenca. ConcienciaDigital, 6(4.2), 46-62.


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